
critical temperature 【物理學】臨界溫度。

critical writer

In this thesis , we use the random - matrix - theory to revise the following calculating methods : ( 1 ) the heat capacity and the spin susceptibility of the normal metallic small particles ; ( 2 ) the heat capacity of the conventional metallic small particles at the low temperature using the mean field approximation method ; ( 3 ) the heat capacity of the conventional metallic small particles at the vicinity of the critical temperature using the static path approximation method 本文采用隨機矩陣理論,計算了: ( 1 )正常態金屬小粒子的電子熱容和順磁磁化率。 ( 2 )在平均場近似下,計算了超導金屬小粒子低溫區的電子熱容。 ( 3 )在靜態路徑近似下,計算了超導金屬小粒子轉變溫區的電子熱容。

Results show that the levitation force is generated between the high temperature superconductor and the magnetic field under the critical temperature . the value of the levitation force is determined by the temperature and the gradient of magnetic field . that is the smaller of the gap , the larger of the levitation force when the temperature is fixed , and the value of the levitation force is an exponential function of the gap 研究表明,當高溫超導體的溫度低于其臨界溫度時,在磁場中開始受到力的作用;受到的懸浮力大小由溫度和磁場梯度共同決定;即溫度一定時,懸浮間距越小,對應的磁場梯度越大,懸浮力就越大,力的大小與懸浮間距成指數關系;而當懸浮間距一定時,溫度越低,對應的懸浮力也越大,且超導體剛進入超導態的一段溫度區間懸浮力增大最快。

For bose system , the critical temperature tc increase with atom number n . and we also found that the dimensionality had a great effect on such system . the condensate fraction is proportional to t3 in 3d , t2 in 2d , whereas t in 1d . this relation is hold for specific heat c 在諧振子勢場的調制下,體系的基態粒子數所占的比重、比熱均隨溫度t的d次冪變化,即n _ 0 n , c t ~ d ,其中d為諧振子勢場的維數。

In the second part , the deduced self - energy in 63 theory is derived at hard thermal loop approximation . then we calculate the effective mass and damping rate , and also show that there is thermal instability above a critical temperature tc 在此基礎上,出自能實部和虛部與一些介質效應的對應關系式,進而求得了粒子的有效質量和衰變率,并討論了_ 6 ~ 3理論的熱不穩定性。

We find it has the same behavior as that of the continuous phase transition in bcs super - conduction theory : the nonzero ground state energy gap decreases to zero at the finite critical temperature tsp , and the specific heat takes on divergence 我們發現該相變同bcs理論的連續相變極為相似:基態非零的能隙在有限的臨界溫度t _ ( sp )處降低為零,而比熱呈現出趨于無窮的發散。

( 3 ) for decreasing sizes , the fluctuation becomes more and more significant at the vicinity of the critical temperature ; the even - odd effect is important at the low temperature and the vicinity of the critical temperature as well ( 3 )隨著粒子尺寸的減小,在相變臨界區域漲落越來越重要;電子數的奇偶效應在低溫乃至相變區域都是重要的。

We mean to make some study on the critical temperature of the bose - einstein condensation by a numeric method , using those firm backup the computer provides . we hope we can dig out more details of bec “ s character 本文的目的是利用計算機對bec中的轉變溫度與粒子數的關系進行直接的數值研究,以圖對這一現象的特性進行更詳盡的說明。

Bose - einstein condensation , although more than 70 years old , is bringing to the science fresh air . chapter ii gives the relation between the critical temperature and the particle number through a direct numeric summary 第二章主要用數值求和的方法研究了理想氣體玻色-愛因斯坦凝聚轉變溫度與粒子數的關系。

A brief review on the background , industrial application s , and puzzles in fundamental theory of the physisorption of gases on porous sol ids at above - critical temperatures was presented 本文簡要述評超臨界溫度條件下氣體在多孔固體上物理吸附平衡問題提出的背景,工程應用,及其理論基礎方面存在的問題。

Generally , the bose statistical formula will be transformed into integral manner to get the relation between the critical temperature and the particle population in an analytical form 一般研究理想情況下的凝聚是采用將玻色統計公式轉化為積分的方法。這種方法可以對bec的臨界現象給出一個解析的表述。

At the low temperature , the heat capacity is related to the particles with even number or odd number , after the critical temperature , the heat capacity conforms with the normal particles “ values 低溫時的熱容變化規律與粒子所含電子數奇偶性有關。在轉變溫度以后都趨于正常粒子熱容值。

By using x - ray diffraction ( xrd ) and vibrating - sample magnetometer ( vsm ) we find about 260 c is the critical temperature to complete the transformation of ordered anti - ferromagnetic fct phase 通過x光衍射和振動樣品磁強計測量我們發現260大體上仍然是形成反鐵磁相的臨界溫度。

Superconductivity - part 10 : critical temperature measurement - critical temperature of nb - ti , nb3sn , and bi - system oxide composite superconductors by a resistance method 超導性.第10部分:臨界溫度測量.用電阻法對nb - ti nb3sn和鉍-系統氧化物復合超導體的臨界溫度的測量

Superconductivity - part 10 : critical temperature measurement ; critical temperature of nb - ti , nbsn , and bi - system oxide composite superconductors by a resistance method 超導性.第10部分:臨界溫度測量.用電阻法對nb - ti , nbsn和鉍-系統氧化物復合超導體的臨界溫度的測量

It is also right for and c , i . e , c td . however , the finite number effect decrease the critical temperature and make an obvious changes in and c 但是由于有限粒子數效應的影響,體系實際的臨界溫度要低于熱力學情況,這個差別取決于諧振子勢場的頻率分布和粒子數n 。

Superconductivity - part 10 : critical temperature measurement - critical temperature of nb - ti , nb3sn , and bi - system oxide composite superconductors by a resistance method 超導性.第10部分:臨界溫度測量.用電阻法測量鈮-鈦鈮錫和鉍-系統氧化物復合超導體的臨界溫度

From these results , it is testified that vbl distribute partly in the walls of id . in the last part of this paper , the critical temperature with the bias field was investigated 由于直流偏場對vbl起著徑向壓縮作用,而溫度會使vbl間的平衡間距變大,所以從t 。

The finding of high temperature superconductor ( hts ) made a lot of scientists research and study it , then critical temperature of hts was on the increase 高溫超導材料的發現,引起了眾多科學家的關注并進行研究,使得高溫超導體的臨界溫度提高到液氮溫度以上。

In addition , the effects of stack structure and material property on the performance of the thermo - acoustic engine in terms of the critical temperature ratio were examined 結果表明,合理設計板疊的結構和合理選擇板疊的材料,可以使得系統在較低的溫度下起振。